Mokumap update, week 49

© Karen Helga Maurstig

4 new additions to our mokumap this week.

  1. Expo The floating world through a lens in Tokyo. American photographer Bueno Alex visits places in Hiroshiges footsteps.
  2. Expo Ukiyoe Immersive Art Exhibition, also in Tokyo, where visitors can immerse themselves in the world of ukiyo-e and enjoy a unique digital art experience.
  3. Artist Karen Helga Maurstig, who was selected for our Mokublad edition last year and whose lovely niece surprised us with a visit while we were demoing in the Plantin Moretus museum in Antwerp last month <3
  4. Artist Natash Norman, also selected for our Mokublad. Co-founder of South African Mokuhanga kai, a national network for artistic interests in contemporary Mokuhanga.